Monday 25 September 2017

Skiing trip to Round Hill***

I can hear the grating of my skis carving though the snow.
I can see the slope wizzing past me as I descent like a bullet.
I can smell the fresh crisp air burning my teeth when I inhale.
I can taste the snow melting in my mouth after I took a mouthful
I can feel the wind whipping my face causing tears in me eyes.

Thursday 21 September 2017

The Kepler track***


According to DOC classifications the Kepler track is a 60km loop. It will take you 3-4 days and is made for intermediate walkers. (Click here for more information.) The track goes across tussic and bush. It has great views of Lake Te Anau. You can go explore the Luxmore Caves at Luxmore hut and go to the Iris Burn Falls at Iris Burn Hut. If you feel up for it you can walk to rainbows reach from Moturau. The seasonal restrictions this year in the Great Walks season are 24th October 2017 - 30th April 2018. Outside the Great Walks season is 4th May 2017 - 23rd October 2017. Mt luxmore peak is the Kepler track’s highest point reaching 1,472 M. (Dogs are not allowed on the track.)

My experience

To Luxmore hut

It was a steady climb up to the Luxmore hut. At that point we were going through bush and tussic. Some places it was rocky but most of the track was well formed and easy to Walk on. I was very windy as we came up along the top and I was nearly blown over.

The hut at night creaked in the growing and dying wind. For me it was hard to get to sleep even though I had ear plugs. Eventually I got to sleep.

To Iris Burn hut

To the Iris Burn hut it is a journey along the ridges of Mt Luxmore when we went it was raining and sleeting and the wind was bringing it hard into my face. It stung! I was told by my parents not to go far ahead. Eventually we started going down the mountainside towards the hut.

Nice and peaceful night with good bunks and I slept well.

To Moturau hut

The trip to Moturoa is mostly flat but the are some up and down pieces. Well formed track. It is long but there are some good views along the way. Overall a nice trip.

In the afternoon we ate in a well sized kitchen and slept comfortably.

Trip Home

If you came through our way you could either go right out or come out at Rainbows Reach. We decided to go out Rainbows Reach which is shorter. Once we finished I thought about our walk. I thought that it was definitely worth it. It had great huts, well made tracks and excellent views.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Ranginui and Papatuanuku***

One time long long ago papatuanuku and ranginui were holding each other.
Tane Mahuta mahuta wanted more space to play and run around. He told the other gods they all agreed. Except one. This was Tafiti mafia so he went to his father, Ranginui, and warned him. Ranginui clung on to Papatuanuku wrapping his arms around her tighter. Tane mahuta got sick of waiting for all the other gods to push so he started without them. He heaved and pushed, but as hard as he tried it wasn't enough. Tane mahuta fell to his knees. The other gods pushed as well but eventually they too fell to their knees. Tane mahuta did not give up and with one mighty push he made a little gap in between his parents and this gave him determination. With one last push he separated them completely. Their wails almost made the other gods want to stop tane mahuta. But as they looked over the horizon they saw what they could create in the space and the fell in love with it instantly.

Ranginui started crying and the gods were worried that he would never stop. With sadness in their eyes the gods pulled on the long hair Papatuanuku turning her head over so that Ranginui couldn't see her face. Papatuanuku curled up into a ball and created the land Ranginui’s tears became the lakes, rivers and the sea. After a while Ranginui and Papatuanuku forgave tane mahuta and the other god for that they had done even though Ranginui sometimes cries. Tafiti mafia never forgave them and every now and then he will blow winds signaling that he is still angry.

Papatuanuku = earth mother ☘️☘️
Ranginui = sky father ⛈
Tane mahuta = god of forest ☘️
Tafiti mafia = god of wind ☁️

Friday 1 September 2017

The storm dog***

The storm raged around us. Me,my dog Lightning, my mum and dad all huddled together on the top floor as the wind howled and shook the house. Rain pelted against the windows. The storm coked up a knot he and a tornado appeared. “Quick to the basement,” yelled dad. The tornado ripped the house apart. The only thing left was the basement. I looked around. Where was storm? “He must of ran outside when we came down here,” said dad as in reading my thoughts.
“Oh no, poor dog.”

Three hours later we push our way outside. The town is a mess. Houses ripped apart, trees uprooted cars toppled, even the park was destroyed. Out from under the slide came a bark a very familiar bark. It was Lightning! “Lightning.” “Come here boy, we aren't going to hurt you.” But he didn't come. Eventually lightning came out. He had adsorbed the storm and it was swirling round in his fir. “I told you lightning was special,” said mum. “He's saved us all.”     Mum had tears in her eyes she was so happy.

After many trips to the vet, we figgered that there was nothing to do about Lightning's condition. All we know is that he is very special but could be dangerous so we put him down.

 We went back to the man that sold him to us and got four puppies. One was brown with black spots and straw kind of hair, She was called earth, one was white with grey spots and wavy fur, She was called waves, one was white with curly hair, She was called wind and the last dog was black and red with slick straight hair he was called flame. The man said don't ever them go in their element like storm. So for Flame don't let him near an open fire, for Wind didn't take her in the air. For Waves don't let her in the water and for Earth don't let him dig holes.

Monday 10 April 2017

Rail Trail Ride

The day of cycle trail, Tuala, Tate, Alex and I were being driven, by my Mum, to the place we agreed to meet. The place we agreed to meet was a little picnic spot near Little River. By the time we arrived most of the people were already there. We were near last because we went back to my place to pick up my camera.

Later that day we were getting into groups from the fastest to the slowest. Quaid and I made ourselves buddies. We started out in the third fastest. When that got too slow so we moved up into the second fastest.

Eventually we broke off from the group and biked by ourselves. My mum kept popping up and made herself the photographer. I got twigs stuck in my gears and had to fix my chain which was annoying.

Finally Quaid and I reached the lunch spot. Tate had got a video of him falling off his bike next to Lake Ellesmere. I watched that and laughed. That made me realise I was so hungry. I also realised that my lunch box was in my Mum’s car and she was out taking photos. I finally decided to eat the snacks in my hydration pack.

There was a big rock at the lunch spot and I went up there. It had the best views so I took some photos. Finally I decided to eat the snacks I carried. There was a rock at the lunch spot and if you climbed it you got amazing views too. I took some pictures from the rock but I didn’t take any pictures on the ride as it was too hard bike and taking photos. I thought it would be too hard to be getting on and off, as I would lose all my momentum. We had ridden roughly 12 km and had averagely 8 km to go.

The last 8 km was really boring. I went right at the back of the fast group and cruised at a reasonable speed. At one point I passed Sam M and caught up with Alex. There was only about 1 km to go when I caught up to Alex. Even though the ride was easy it was still a relief to pass through the gates at finish. When I put down my gear Mr T gave me a milk bottle lolly. Quaid had already arrived and was sitting under the Kempthorne truck. It was nice and shaded under the truck.

Overall the weather was good the bike was okay and we got to miss school. The one thing I would change would be putting some hills or bumps into the ride.

My timeline

Leadership Letter

Ollie W

Dear Appointment Panel (Mr T & Mrs Hamlin)

Hi I’m Ollie. Today I am writing to apply for a position on the build team at springston school. I am a year 7 student who loves to learn. Please can you consider me for a build team position. In my eyes I am the best for the job. Why you ask? Hmm? Well these next paragraphs will tell you why.  

Firstly I am a good team member and I can cooperate well with others. This skill will help me ask for advice and get my ideas through. Just like if we were building a table and it wouldn't stand up. I could give them my ideas/advice to help make it stand.
Secondly I am good with my hands and have experience with building. I have recently built a hut in amongst the trees at a friend’s house. When I was building I had to do a whole lot of sawing and some hitting in nails with a hammer. When I was younger my dad and i would build things together and I had a thrill.

The Final reason I want to be on the build team is because I think building is fun. You definitely don’t want to be in the build tham if you don’t like to build. Well I love to build so you won’t hear me moaning and groaning about how I don’t like the team I’m in.  

If I don’t make it into the build team (which I will) I have second and third choices. That means there will be no moaning about my group. My two other choices are the sports team and the mediator team. My second choice is sports team and my third choice is mediator team. I wouldn't mind too much idf I got one of my second or third choices but can I please get a job in the build team. Thank you for putting my application in consideration,

Yours sincerely

Ollie  W

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Ollie W

Education: 2017 Springston School   Y7

Personal statement: I love the outdoors and sports and building things so the build team really suits me.

Hobbies: Walking and tramping, reading, cricket, taking photos and karate.

Achievements: I got third for the school triathlon in 2015, I Went to zones for high jump and long distance running in 2016, I also got first in this years school triathlon!

Work experience: Doing jobs around the house.

Working for: Mum and Dad.

Main duties: Inside and Outside jobs.

Inside jobs:
  • Open the curtains in the morning.
  • Close the curtains at night.
  • Do the rubbish and recycling.
  • Put the school uniforms away.
  • Put away clean dishes.

Outside jobs:
  • Let the chickens out in the morning and give them any scraps.
  • Put the chickens away at night and make sure they have enough food.
  • Take out the rubbish and recycling on a monday morning.
  • Take out compost every two days.
  • Water gardens every so often.